Seven Springs Cannock Chase
Seven Springs car park is a great place to start a walk around the wonderful Cannock Chase.
150+ walks in Staffordshire. Download the app to see your position on the map as you walk.
Photo © Mick Malpass (cc-by-sa/2.0)
Seven Springs Cannock Chase
Cannock Chase walk
0.75 miles
This walk on the Staffordshire Walks app can start from either the Seven Springs car park or Brockton Coppice car park. It’s a strenuous but wonderful walk that takes you along woodland paths, past the Cannock Chase stepping stones and includes a walk through the scenic Sherbrook Valley and over into Abraham's Valley.
Seven Springs Cannock Chase Walk Route Map
Download the Staffordshire Walks app to see your position on the map as you walk. This walk is Brockton walk 3 on the app.
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