Top 10 Staffordshire Walks
150+ walks in Staffordshire. Search ‘Staffordshire Walks’ on your app store to download the app.

Staffordshire has so many amazing and diverse walking areas to choose from including the spectacular Peak District and the magical forests of Cannock Chase. Here is a list of the best Staffordshire walks you can find on the app which includes over 150 walks to choose from. Search ‘Staffordshire Walks’ on your app store to download the app and see your position on the route maps as you walk.
Download the iPhone app here.
Download the Android app here.
If you are looking for a lovely walk around Cannock Chase and over the Stepping Stones, here is a walk and route map for you to enjoy.
Dovedale is a glorious and popular place to go walking. Here is a Dovedale walk route map and details of six walks we have on the Staffordshire Walks app. Download the app to see your position on the map as you walk.
Park Hall Country Park is a fantastic place for a walking adventure where you can enjoy numerous different species of fauna and wildlife. Download the Staffordshire Walks app to see your position on the map as you walk.
If you want to walk through the beautiful Manifold Valley, here is a route map starting from Hulme End. We have seven Manifold Valley walks on the Staffordshire Walks app, download the app to see your position on the map as you walk.
If you are looking for a lovely walk to Three Shires Head, this walk and route map starts at the village of Flash and is worth the hike.
Barton Marina is a home for over 300 narrowboats and is linked to the Trent and Mersey Canal. The marina also offers a range of shops, restaurants and a number of lovely walks including the National Forest Silver Circuit.
Dimmingsdale is a lovely area for walking. Here is a route map for walk two and more walks are available in the app. Download the Staffordshire Walks app to see your position on the map as you walk.
This Cannock Chase walk takes you through Broctons Coppice and along Abraham's Valley where you will enjoy heathland, woodland paths and open countryside. Download the Staffordshire Walks app to see your position on the map as you walk.
This lovely walk and route map takes you around the Castle Ring hill fort and then deeper into Cannock Chase to explore the forest and wildlife. Download the Staffordshire Walks app to see your position on the map as you walk.
Silverdale Country Park is a scenic area near Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire and is popular with walkers and nature lovers. The park was created on the former Silverdale Colliery and covers 83 hectares. Download the Staffordshire Walks app see your position on the Silverdale Country Park route maps as you walk.